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Duel or single


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Will need to replace clutch soon on a 2012 f10, 2.0L SE ED my question is Do I get a duel mass flywheel or single mass flywheel clutch, what’s the pros and cons I’ve heard SMF clutch would be noisier if so how much noisier would it be noticeable, and what would be your recommendation etc. Thanks 

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I would think a dual mass flywheel. (DMF). The DMF is designed to absorb the vibrations and smooth out the lumpy high torque of the 4-cylinder diesel engine, partly to reduce the vibrations to your clutch foot and the rest of the car/passengers, but also to reduce vibrations to the gearbox and down the propshaft.  DMFs are on most diesels now, and even many petrols. A single mass will be noisier, rattling the gearbox a bit (possibly causing wear) and probably ratting the guibo, center bearing and propshaft, but with all the 5-series sound deadening I don't know how much is noticeable. It will probably feel worse through the clutch pedal too.

I believe some folks have changed BMW 4-cylinder diesels to a single mass flywheel while engine remapping/tuning, though you need to know the pros and cons and accept the risks with this approach,  though it is tempting with 200-250bhp readily achievable from a recent 20d engine. Other folks say aiming for a 6-cylinder is a better starting point and when I find a magical bag of cash somewhere that'll be my target!

First names off top of my head for decent BMW DMF/clutch manufacturer would be Sachs and LUK. 

It's your call, but with a 4-cylinder diesel in a heavy car like the F10 its probably better to go for DMF.  Note the clutch/gearbox/propshaft was designed to use a DMF (or TC for auto) from day one. 

Let us know how you get on, lots of helpful & more knowledgeable folks than me on this forum !

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I don't think a solid flywheel conversion kit is readily  available for the 4 cylinder engine. Even if available it would result in serious issues and probable engine  damage. The timing  chain and related parts would not react favorably to the increased shock and vibration as would the transmission.

Fit a new LUK DM flywheel and clutch kit, don't even consider using the existing flywheel.  A motor factor can supply the complete set of parts for around £600, Euro car parts current cost is £200 for the LUK clutch kit and £425 for the LUK DM flywheel .

Unless supplied with the parts,  its advisable to buy new fixings  for the flywheel and clutch. 

The rear main seal needs inspection once the flywheel is removed and replacement needed if required.

I assume the work will be DIY or via an independent. I shudder to think what BMW would charge as a new flywheel is in the region of £2000. 

Depending on milage you may want to consider replacing the timing chain and associated parts, kits are available.

Once the gearbox is removed its possible to access the timing chain area.




Edited by mikefitz
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Thanks everyone, the reason I asked was when I spoke to one garage they said about changing to a single, I wasn’t convinced so thought I would put it out there, no definitely not diy, I can do certain things but that’s way out of my league. 
yes watched that video, thanks all when I get it done I’ll look et you know 

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Hi Wagse, I just replaced the DMF on my 520d myself I bought the kit from GSF (£619.35). Having had a solid flywheel conversion on a 1.9tdi I would recommend you stick to a DMF, you could feel the firing order through the clutch pedal and the car had more vibrations at higher speed. Not something you want from a BMW

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