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Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - please read


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I've managed to retreive this from the "old site capture" Super Dave was a founder member of our community and we lost him in Late April 2019 - i think its worth reposting.

Over to Dave - RIP fella 😞


"April is bowel cancer awareness month. This post is simply to help educate and raise awareness about one of the most common cancers but also possibly one of the least talked about and deadly - its the second most common cancer killer but can be treated with great rates of success if picked up early.:-D


Reason for posting is personal, ive been battling it for the last 18 months and if there's even a chance I can persuade someone to get checked out earlier and give them a better chance of survival then sharing my story here is worth it. I'm lucky to have got this far because although i had a couple of symptoms I explained them away to myself. As a healthy half-marathon running 40 year old why would I think different right? Well by the time i went to my GP with 3/5 symptoms it had spread to my liver and later my lungs and bits. Survival is a constant cycle of chemo and rest right now,  I dont recommend it, but the alternative when it comes (and there is no question, it is incurable this late on)  is obviously far less desirable.:ph34r:


So please just have a quick look at this stuff, only takes a few seconds, and take a minute to think about whether you have any of the symptoms or if you're old enough qualify for the easy home screening kits-its rare in young people but incidence  rates are growing frighteningly quick. 



https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/bowel-cancer/symptoms/ "

Edited April 10, 2018 by SuperDave
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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't know the guy but did read this thread on the previous site and greatly appreciate his concern for fellow members by sharing his, obviously, horrible & tragic personal story.  RIP.

Reason for posting is that both the links to bowel cancer symptoms are broken, to keep his poignant story relevant to anyone reading it now the symptoms from Cancer Research UK are HERE.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for posting this and reminding me about Dave (SuperDave).

Dave was one of the original members of the original site and a long time 5 Series owner and always helpful with advice and encouragement to all members. I joined the forum a lot later and ended up moving to Chester where mine and Dave's daughters ended up as classmates and we struck up a great friendship. He was a full of life and hugely positive bloke (not a miserable curmudgeon like me) and we enjoined a lot great times together.

I moved on to Surrey after about 4 years and it was only just after I left that Dave got the tragic news about his late stage bowel Cancer that would not be stopped. Despite the very best treatments he only lasted about 14 months but during that time devoted his time to his fabulous wife and amazing daughters - I hope they have memories that will last their lifetimes. He also never stopped gently reminding us all about the signs and symptoms of the cancer and popping up the latest links so we could all easily find help should we need it.

Rest in Peace SuperDave, Dave Andrews.

Edited by Sharkfan
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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the bump - as you get older you get an envelope through the post asking for a poo - your poo. It’s for screening for the exact type of cancer that took SuperDave so young. 

So when you get asked to have a shit in tube, go ahead and do it. I did, all clear so far. 

Thank you for the advice SuperDave, and RIP.

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1 hour ago, Sharkfan said:

Thanks for the bump - as you get older you get an envelope through the post asking for a poo - your poo. It’s for screening for the exact type of cancer that took SuperDave so young. 

So when you get asked to have a shit in tube, go ahead and do it. I did, all clear so far. 

Thank you for the advice SuperDave, and RIP.

Spooky timing,

just sealed up my "bag of poo" and it goes in the post tomorrow.

I have been doing the "sh1t in a tube" trick since getting closer to the telegram than the birth certificate...

Stay safe as you get older mature.

Best regards,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just got the 💩 all-clear so good for another two years. 

Happy days :classic_biggrin:

Have a good weekend.

Best regards,



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