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Forum 5

Lets re-build!


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So now we have the forum back up and running and a steady trickle of registrations we need to build!

The forum is nothing without knowledge and content and this comes from people asking questions, sharing knowledge and posting their experiences.

So if you've done a job, found out something interesting, want advice or just want to show off your car please post away!

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So i've been having a play with the old site capture

Whilst some links are dead if you play with the capture date and settings you can access quite a lot.

I don't know if there is a way to extract and create a database we can merge/ search - thats out my pay grade but if people had an interesting thread/ how too etc its worth taking a little time to see what you can extract and repost.

Anything you can recover and repost will help us and others.



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So for instance to extract the E39 Mileage thread I did this:

Went to https://web.archive.org/web/20210616084801/https://forum.bmw5.co.uk/

and clicked on 39 tech section:



You can see in top right how many captures there has been, so click on that...


You can then see a dot on 17th Jan 2022 so click here...



Ans you get a link to the snap shot. So by playing about with dates of snapshots you can recover stuff, as is say we can't do it all but we should be able to recover some knowledge!



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  • 5 weeks later...

I take it a full back up wasn't saved when the old forum was taken offline in migration preparation back in the year?

I'm far from an expert but the normal procedure is to save two copies and tinker with one for the migration until it's sorted. If the tinkered copy goes Pete Tong  - take another copy of the saved forum and tinker again but always make sure you have one perfect saved copy in case it all goes horribly wrong.

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