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A vehicle that is good to drive?

Steve VH

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The answer to the question between auto or manual is Alpina's Switch-Tronic.

Yes, it's an autobox but with torque convertor lock-ups in every gear it acts like a manual including engine braking on change downs. I haven't driven one of the newer ones but certainly all my older cars get driven as a manual box on any kind of roads except motorway cruises or severe congestion - then it becomes a simple easy auto again.

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Yes it was a pretty open-ended question not just aimed at 5 series bmw's, so far we have had mentioned a 205, a 7 series, and a DAF truck.

Sometimes it is not the car, but the road, did anyone else see TopGear on Sunday with the presenters taking on the Grossglockner pass in Austria, it is a very scenic route.

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Not sure i have any pictures but i had epic fun in a 306HDi sedan in Morocco. They wanted to rent us a fiat, I felt in Africa a Peugeot was a safer bet so they gave us the bosses car. Did near 1000 miles. Marakesh, the Atlas mountains and some glorious drives. A trip i will always remember for many reasons but the driving was special.

I think for me its how a car rides and steers. Preference is still manual but actual power is not the issue, a willing engine whatever its output and a keen chassis yields the most fun.

Another stand out is a 3.8 (i think) V6 mustang convertable we hired in Las Vegas, crude and unsophistcated, harsh at revs but perfectly suited for the 300 odd miles to the Grand Canyon via the Hoover Dam and a brush with the law. Came back to the Uk and got in a leggy 523i touring which was a far better product but the 'stang suited the environment.

Bit of a ramble but yesterday i had cause to head to Norfolk and back in a day, took the 535i, it was fine, did all i needed and more but i didn't feel thrilled. Its good to drive but doesn't tickle the emotions.

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I went up the Grossglockner, one of many Alpine passes I have driven, alas, not in a sports car, but driving a touring coach, at least I suppose I was getting paid to drive them, with a super view through the large windscreen.

I fully agree with you Duncan, alot of the modern cars don't tickle the emotions the same way, maybe they are too good, with no faults. I remember reading a roadtest on the E34 M5, the motoring journalist parting shot was,

"I just wish I wanted to drive it somewhere for the hell of it"

Maybe, dare I say, it is an age thing?

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