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Is the N57 engine fragile?

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Seeing a post on another F10 site stating yet another bottom end failure on the 530d, despite numerous replies mentioning that owners had knocked up big milage, they do seem to have an inherent weakness, even the Police withdrew them from traffic duties following a fatal in Cumbria, discuss?

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The engine failures of the police cars were eventually put down to servicing and constant running 24hrs per day.

When used as a police traffic vehicle the engine can be running virally all day with no "rest". One shift finishes and another takes the vehicle back out on the road. When they are not driving the vehicle is sitting with the engine running. The police were servicing the vehicles by mileage but there was not an allowance for the number of additional hours the vehicles were running. 

This information came from a local BMW service manager. The Met police have been having new engines fitted on vehicles that BMW have stated are outside of the manufacturers service guidelines 




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The Met are replacing their vehicles with Volvo now. BMW Germany appear to have withdrawn form supplying UK police cars. BMW Park Lane (owned by BMW Uk) have closed their armed forces/emergency services discount department using the official line of blaming Brexit!

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As @Stressed said, the police issues were caused by idling for hours followed by periods on full throttle. This gave problems with the EGR which caught fire in the tragic case in Cumbria. 

It’s the load cycles on the police N57 that can be detrimental.

Change the oil each year or 10,000 miles and that will help with longevity. 

3 minutes ago, Stressed said:

The Met are replacing their vehicles with Volvo now. 

This does concern me. 

Volvo have stopped making diesel engines. And only make EVs now. 

Can you imagine, you’re in need of emergency help from the police and you make a 999 call and you get told “I’m sorry sir all our traffic cars are being charged up, we will be with you in approximately 3-4 hours….”

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Yes i think the police situation was due to the unique way they are used, as Andrew said idling for ages then thrashed to death - whilst serviced i dont suppose mechanical sympathy is top priority in an emergency. Didn't think they were fundamentally bad engine.

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I believe Volvo have changed their tune a little bit, they have listened to the public, brought back estate cars to the UK market and are still doing diesel for now. Electric doesn't work for the emergency services because of the down time when charging would mean they have to increase their fleet.

The LFB made a big thing about their electric fire engine. But kept it very quiet that at that fire station they had to have a second fully stowed fire engine for when the electric one wasn't available because of charging. It also wasn't very good in the fire ground because pumping water killed the batteries!

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58 minutes ago, Stressed said:

I believe Volvo have changed their tune a little bit, they have listened to the public, brought back estate cars to the UK market and are still doing diesel for now.

Oooo that’s new news to me, was it not just in May/June that they announced the killing of Diesel?

https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/volvo-produces-its-last-car-diesel-engine#:~:text=Volvo will shift to electric,Week event in New York.


I would quite like a big Volvo estate but their engines are really mean and are wrong wheel drive. So I’m out. 

58 minutes ago, Stressed said:

It also wasn't very good in the fire ground because pumping water killed the batteries!

You mean they didn’t think of that? 

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2 hours ago, Andrew said:

.You mean they didn’t think of that? 

It's a bit like Virgin flying a plane to America on bio fuel. Good publicity but a waist of time. For uk airlines to switch over to biofuel all of our farmland crops and animal would have to switch to rapeseed which would mean no food! 

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Think of how many N57 have been sold, it one of the best modern diesel engines ever made, yes it has its weaknesses, all engines do.

when you think of power vs emissions vs mpg etc, it has consistently been one of the best.

Fragile? All my N57 have been chipped putting out way more power than they were designed for and never let me down, as I’m sure many other owners.

Edited by skyjawa
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3 hours ago, Andrew said:


I would quite like a big Volvo estate but their engines are really mean and are wrong wheel drive. So I’m out.

It’s not just their engines, the gearbox is shocking. Shame as I really like the modern Volvo styling/interiors.

Edited by skyjawa
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