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MPG gauge not working

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After 23 years and 253000 miles the mpg gauge on my low OBC 525d has stopped working with the needle staying at the left hand position pointing to 50 mpg. I presume that this is some sort of vacuum gauge.Obviously not a big deal butl has any one any experience of the problem and know what to look for to fix it?

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My understanding is that the needle is electronic not just a vacuum guage but behaves a bit like one.  Not necessarily accurate but intended to help with an ecomical driving style.

It may be possible to test the cluster:


It may also be possible to reset the cluster. Doing this without a laptop would be with the secret menus and you would need to google that.

Ideally one would want to be testing  this with diagnostics plugged in, such as INPA.

One other thing you might try, as it is free and only takes 5 minutes (though it probably won't work) is to disconnect the battery and hold the positive and negative battery cable  connectors together for a minute or so.  

Ultimately it might end up that a cluster repair is needed, which could be about £200. Maybe not worth it just for that needle.


Edited by Dbcrd
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21 hours ago, norseman said:

Probably one of the most gimicky & unnecessary instruments known to man, surprised that BM couldn't find a better use for that space in the cluster 😒

Someone did find a better use for it, it's turbocharged e30 with boost gauge in that slot. 


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