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Forum 5

Old/New Guard Meet - Derbyshire and surrounding areas


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Having only just realised this forum is back online it’s good to see some old faces still knocking about. Despite not owing a 5 Series for some years I’m still a BMW owner so would be good to see some old and new faces if we can sort a meet in the next few months as the weather improves.  

A favourite in the past has been the Cat & Fiddle Inn Macclesfield but open to suggestions. 

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13 hours ago, Andrew said:

As long as you don’t own an Audi you are welcome on here 😁

How very dare you 


Richard is the one that sold me my first E39 

He has a lot to answer for 

  • Haha 1
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So is this meeting happening, or is everyone indifferent, or too busy?

It's about 6 weeks till October, so not much time for 'fine weather'? If it doesn't happen by then, or needs more planning, may be 2025, is a better option?

It would be nice to put faces to names, but for us boring types that don't drink, getting legless doesn't appeal.🤣🤣🤣🤣

Venue, I guess is the tricky obstacle, as I'm sure we're spread all over the UK.

Plus the logistics of location? As in if 50 members turn up in their cars, where is large enough to meet? If only 5 cars show up, not an issue, but 200?

I made the mistake of looking for the centre of the UK, which yielded the following results:

Haltwhistle, Northumberland

Dunlop Bridge, Lancashire

Norton, Derbyshire

All well north of that other centre of the UK, London.

But then got to thinking, does it need to be the geographical centre?

I'm guessing the moderators have a better idea of how many active members there are and or who might be interested in meeting

Maybe it might be easier for a regional get together?

Or may be BMW could provide a venue (gratis) as its probably good PR to show that owners look after their cars, no matter how old (Brand loyalty/ sustainable/recycling, etc.). I appreciate this is probably fantastical, but just a thought.....

So maybe I've lit the blue touch paper?

Or heaven forbid, don't shoot the messenger!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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