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BMWs new i5 cannot be fast charged more than 7 times in a row

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Eva are becoming a complete joke.

Government claim they are better for the environment but they don’t tell you their claims are based on the assumption that you only charge with renewable energy(wind or solar, how do you know what comes out of the plug?) and I’ve heard that for their environmental figures to work EV v ICE they have to use a mileage of 35000/year to achieve the “better for the environment “ claim!

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There was a repot by Volvo on their C40 vs the EV equivalent. Based on a mix of energy production (fossil fuels & renewables) that most countries used, you'd have to reach 80K miles in the EV to be on par with the ICE - beyond this mileage you were then becoming carbon negative. 

Most people get a car on PCH/PCP for 3 years and do less than 10k miles per year......so they are actually contributing more towards climate change and polluting than if they bought an ICE in the first place.


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This also creates a big problem if looking for a used EV as is it now well know that fast charging reduces the battery life/capacity but there is no way of knowing how a previous owner charged their car and therefore the condition of the battery.

Harrys Garage touched on this earlier this year.

I keep looking at i3's for a 2nd car as the current Fiesta never does more than a 90 mile return trip and mostly does 8 mile return trips. I would not consider one for the main car. 

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The arse is falling out of the second hand EV market. Their second hand value compared to ICE is far less, the batteries will need replacing by about 7 years old (£25400 for a Tesla battery)

A friend has a 2011 3 series alpina he's owned it from new. Its just hit 300 thousand miles and is still going strong. 2 batteries, 1 alternator and 1 clutch so far. He's just having another clutch and the timing chains done and it'll be fit for another 100k

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