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Hope for ConnectedDrive? Life after 3G?

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Happy Friday evening,

im not sure if anyone is too bothered by the loss of ConnectedDrive in their 5 Series but I for one had been mildly dreading the Vodafone shutdown of 3G over the last few months as both the weather app and RTTI satnav are super helpful still. I’d read some limited evidence that suggested our Fives would continue to offer connected services over 2G which is being retained but that it would be unusably slow. I was even willing to gamble paying another years subscription on the off chance it might work! 

I’d read that Vodafone would be switching off all 3G during February and was prepared to lose my services but what I’ve noticed in the last couple of weeks is that a) very occasionally I do lose all connectivity in certain areas but it’s brief, like a black spot and returns a few mins later and b) when loading up weather, news etc, the icon in the top left hand corner to show you’re connected no longer shows a 3G symbol. Having checked online Vodafone indeed confirms that it has now switched off all 3G services as off the end of Feb. So… everything is still happily working in my car. Yes, the weather app takes a little longer to update, yes you get the occasional black spot where you didn’t before and yet RTTI still works as effectively as it ever did. So it seems that idrive NBT can indeed use ConnectedDrive services quite happily in 2G apparently!

Id be interested to hear anyone else’s experiences with this?


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