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Efficient dynamics and battery charging

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Just a random musing. My 2011 535i doesn’t have stop / start etc or eco mode but obviously has the consumption gauge. 

the blue section shows “efficient dynamics” and battery. 

on over run this segment lights up blue. Does that mean that when it’s charging the battery or something or alternator couples and in couples to save drag?

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I hadn't realised start/stop and Eco were options. My 2011 535i has them and it's a manual. 

BMW’s system is effective because it reduces engine load as the alternator only draws current when there is no other demand for power on the engine, i.e. when coasting or decelerating. This therefore ensures that full power of the engine is available upon driver request.
The idea behind brake energy regeneration is to convert lost kinetic energy into electrical energy, which can be used by the car. In conventional systems, the alternator (or generator) is permanently engaged as it is belt driven by the engine. However, BMW’s alternator operates differently as the alternator is only engaged when the driver is coasting or braking. This kinetic energy that would otherwise go to waste is now used efficiently as it is converted into electricity by the alternator, which is stored in the battery – thus giving Brake Energy Regeneration.
When the driver accelerates again, the alternator is deactivated so full power of the engine can be delivered to the wheels.
If the battery is in a low state of charge, the alternator will activate even during acceleration to prevent complete discharging of the battery.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On the N55 the alternator is permanently fixed to the pulley driven by the auxiliary belt. It doesn’t have an over run clutch (OAP and OAD systems) in its drive pulley like some models so it rotates all the time.  Therefore I suspect it’s electronically controlled such that when you are coasting and the swing o meter is in the blue the alternator is electrical connected to charge the battery.


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  • 3 months later...

Check for the obvious one. 

Is the alternator drive belt in place and or not covered in oil? 

Next check for fault codes, they will give an indication of what’s wrong especially as you have error messages on the dash. 

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1 hour ago, Andrew said:

Check for the obvious one. 

Is the alternator drive belt in place and or not covered in oil? 

Next check for fault codes, they will give an indication of what’s wrong especially as you have error messages on the dash. 

Belt is in place and on the face of it the engine etc is running sweetly. 

This first happened in December 2022 and at the time there were so many fault codes it was impossible to see the wood for the trees. It looked like everything reported was connected to a lack of voltage and when we worked out that the battery (new on purchase in June) had not been registered I coughed up for a new battery and registered it hoping it was a simple as that. We cleared the codes and I've had a happy 4 months motoring (except air suspension issues). I'm expecting the same multitude of codes when we do check but the dash message gives a clearer indication and was hoping someone might have suffered a similar problem...


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Again could be a multiple of reasons as to why the “Battery no being charged”. Anything from a failing alternator to broken wires. 

with fault codes, read and record them, then clear them. Drive car and hopefully same warning comes up and you can then read the fault codes that have returned 

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15 hours ago, Percha said:

I love the english used in this error message! Hope you get it sorted my F11 2013 is still on the original battery...

It's obviously the Scottish version of iDrive..

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