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Forum 5



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Recently I received an email message that the url for this site has changed together with the new URL.

FYI this new url does nor seen to come up on any reasonable Google search as far as I can tell.

Maybe it's just me but this might mean new potential members may not find the site.  I would think we need more members as I think there is less activity on the new site than there was on the old one.  At least for the E39. 

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I would agree with you on this, however ……. I never got any message about changing the name !  
Just randomly couldn’t access the forum earlier in the week and couldn’t figure out why? 
Like yourself I searched for any info or explanation on Google and got nowhere. I went back to the temporary Facebook page from earlier this year and then found a post pointing out the change.
Obviously I’ve now changed over my settings, logged back in and am no longer getting splinters in my fingers from scratching my head, thankfully. 
I guess though I may not be the only one who this has happened to and hopefully everyone finds their way to the new site.
Maybe somebody could put something out there to address this ?

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The forum now seems nonexistent as far as reasoanbly logical internet searches are concerned.

Bimmerforums pisyonheads and m5board and others come up but not this one. 

Edited by Dbcrd
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The change of url was beyond our control. We did post an announcement here and on Facebook I believe. 

Suspect googles cache may take a while to catch up? 

But no. Not trying to hide. Really want contributions and to rebuild. 

it’s been a trying few months. 

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I also cannot log into the forum5 following a Google search, the only way I can get in is via the Facebook page, maybe its a problem with the Internet address, it cannot be the only forum worldwide calling itself forum5, which for any new or up and coming members putting in a search for a bmw forum won't flag up.

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For transparency, we received a cease and desist from BMWs lawyers and we had to change anywhere that had a reference to BMW. Bearing in mind our brand was forum.bmw5 since inception, we have yet again needed to start from scratch. 

I sent an email to all the members of the site, but if you've opted out of emails then unfortunately you wouldn't have received this message.  The software doesn't allow us to bypass this. 

We will soon enough reappear ok Google searches, but if you're searching for BMW5 forum or forum BMW5 then unfortunately that won't bring you here yet. 

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Sandip, thanks for the explanation. 

Its strange how BMW have gone about wiping out their past. They used to be a company who always looked after their old customers, but they saw fit to kill off Mobile Tradition. It seems they are ashamed of their past, now they have moved production to China. It makes you wonder. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I still think this site is somewhat "dark" at the moment.  I tried searching even against text of threads that I would hope would come up and only bimmer forums etc   came up not this site.  It might we worth checking whether it's recognised by google etc.  

I also hope new people are still finding it.

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This is because no SEO or PPC is being used to promote the site probably due to costs...


Until the forum gets moving more; more people join/re-join, it'll not move up the rankings unless some money is pumped into this...


Currently; it doesn't make any sense to do so as the forum isn't gaining any traction...


Swings & roundabouts

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Am I reading this right? BMW won’t let us use the name BMW in the Forums name?  Have they lost the plot!   Should I prise  the badges off my car and replace them with a number 5?

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I looked at  this issue on the internet.  It's not the first time that BMW or other manufacturers have done this.


Very unfortunate timing given that the forum was just picking itself up after that unfortunate IT issue.

Others seem to survive with maybe non trademark names that would maybe still be searched for.  For example E46 fanatics or bimmerforums.

Forum5 is somewhat more vague:


Actually seaching "forum5" comes up first with the dead website and facebook page then a load of unrelated pages like the example above.

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I believe we need to generate more traffic and content to get up google etc searches - i think its a case of time and contribution.

Its always been forum 5 just with BMW - BMW issues a cease and desist and quite frankly thats nopt a fight we were willing to take on and had to make a quick decison.

Not sure what more we can do!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to advise you all 

BMW have closed their case/grievance against us and provided we abide by some rules they won’t send any more legal letters to us. 

I am for one quite glad of that as I really didn’t fancy a fight against a giant like BMWs legal department! 

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