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Calypso-E34 last won the day on September 6

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About Calypso-E34

  • Birthday December 22

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    BMW 520d Sport 2016

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  1. Well that’s the reading material for the winter sorted out!
  2. Cash - and bank it THAT DAY - or bank transfer - with picture ID that you can take a pic of.
  3. I've had the same experience. It's down to having the right car, with the right ad, in the right places. If you're skilled enough at this, it's easy enough to filter out the idiots.
  4. VERY nice car you have there. I recognise the plate!! Good to see it again!
  5. Have you received your saloon yet Duncan? I think mine arrived at home today. Seems like years ago since I ordered it.
  6. The book arrived yesterday. It's a paperback, but the cover, binding and general quality is very good. It's content will be the deciding factor regarding whether or not it is worth its not inconsiderable purchase price, but so far the signs are good. More is written about the architecture of the buildings than the cars I think, but it should be interesting. For my sins, and after thinking about it for months, I decided as a BMW man to invest in Steve Saxty's book set 'BMW - Behind the Scenes. Eye wateringly expensive at £227.50, but you can buy the single book 'BMW by Design' for £75.81 if you don't want the 3 book boxed set. The books are reviewed by Jeff Heywood in the BMW Club magazine 'Straight Six', and he seemed very taken with the books. One of the reasons I finally decided to purchase was that I had purchased another of Steve's books, 'The cars you always promised yourself', and found it to be a great read. Details if anyone wants a look : https://www.stevesaxty.com/?currency=GBP
  7. So - I bought this one. If it’s got enough detail about the cars, I’ll buy the other two when they come along.
  8. Ah! Ok that’s better. So £40 x 3. i really fancy the Steve Saxty BMW books. I have one of his books about the Capri - but I just can’t justify the expense of his BMW collection, good as it may be.
  9. I saw that one Duncan, and it’s a nice book, but only covers the first 18 years to 1982.
  10. I found myself wondering if there exists such a thing as a book covering all the winners of the European Car of the Year over the years? If not, might there be a video? I have been unable to find either.
  11. We do occasionally have kitchen clashes. I cook quite a lot, and Mrs and I like different food so we cook for ourselves a fair bit. The Teenager also likes her own thing.
  12. Two daughters are married and moved out long ago now. One left, and we have an en-suite! That said, we do have a couple of grandchildren now…… 😂
  13. Ha!! Well, there’s a 3 year gap between 1 and 2 - and a 10 year gap between 2 and 3!
  14. Yep - I have three daughters, all drivers - but this one is the biggest girl racer. 19 and on her second car. Wants a Golf next.
  15. And so the saga goes on!! Car went into the garage today to have it's discs and pads. Got a call to say there is absolutely no point in replacing at the moment, as the discs still meet the minimum thickness requirement, with plenty of meat left on the pads. Reckons there's easily another 6000 miles in them. MOT and service is due in February, so we'll have another look at that point. Apparently this is to do with driving style, and it is true to say that I very rarely use the brakes in anger. Must be an age thing! This is seriously impressive stuff. Makes me want to go for OEM parts when the time does come. My Daughter's Renault Clio has about 60000 miles on it, and definitely needs discs and pads - the fourth set, according to the service records.
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