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    F11 528

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  1. Final update (hopefully). One month in and no issues whatsoever with drooping suspension. I guess like many rubber/flexible components there’s always going to be a limited lifespan and in a 10+ year old car both bags reached the end at the same time.
  2. Further update. After months of umming and aahing with my intermittent problem I decided that I would have to change the bags - until that’s done I’d never be 100% sure one way or another. Followed all the guidance posted (thanks) and didn’t have any problems completing the job (helps when you have access to a two post lift). Just waiting now to see if the problem is solved. Two Ridex bags - £131 via autodoc.co.uk
  3. I’m wondering if I have a similar problem. Replaced the compressor not just the solenoids and some times the car stays up for days and others it drops. It’s the same both sides and doesn’t seem like an airbag leak. Is replacement of these parts a diy job - they’re cheap to buy?
  4. Hi @Stringbag, another driver here with the earlier type of solenoid. I have similar intermittent drooping and expected it to be a solenoid issue so purchased one prior to removing the pump only to find I’d bought the wrong/later version. Now I have two issues: 1) since the existing solenoid wasn’t stuck (the plunger just fell out) how do you test it’s functioning correctly and 2) what is the part number to buy the correct early type? Cheers
  5. Update. Have had the compressor out having purchased a replacement solenoid in anticipation however not only is it not stuck as I was expecting/hoping it seems to be a different design to the one in Jon’s video and the replacement I’d bought! Had to put the whole thing back as is and obviously I’ve still got this intermittent problem. Have sprayed solution over all the accessible parts and the bags and can’t see evidence of an air leak; hmmm.
  6. Happy to report that a new alternator seems to have cured things.
  7. Belt is in place and on the face of it the engine etc is running sweetly. This first happened in December 2022 and at the time there were so many fault codes it was impossible to see the wood for the trees. It looked like everything reported was connected to a lack of voltage and when we worked out that the battery (new on purchase in June) had not been registered I coughed up for a new battery and registered it hoping it was a simple as that. We cleared the codes and I've had a happy 4 months motoring (except air suspension issues). I'm expecting the same multitude of codes when we do check but the dash message gives a clearer indication and was hoping someone might have suffered a similar problem...
  8. The dashboard on my F11 is saying “Battery no being charged”. Yesterday the car went into ‘limp’ mode with a multitude of messages but am now only seeing this one. An alternator and/or regulator problem?
  9. Both cars together shows up that the F11 is actually blue/black rather than straight black. Didn’t import myself, I bought it from a garage in Bristol who seem to specialise in importing cars.
  10. Uncovered the compressor etc this afternoon. On starting the engine the car rises and I can’t hear any air leaks. A couple of hours later and nothing seems to have changed but overnight I’m expecting the car to have sunk down. As I can’t hear air escaping from the bags or hoses it must be very slow and/or is it an indication that it is a stuck discharge valve/solenoid like Jon’s issue. Any thoughts?
  11. I’ve got the same sort of intermittent symptoms described by Jon in his video - looks like I should check the solenoid…
  12. Had the car for 9 months (joining my E89 Z4) and belatedly thought I should join the community.
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