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Cadwell Parker

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Cadwell Parker last won the day on November 28 2023

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    F11 530d M-Sport lci

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  1. Just from memory, try 152 and 182, in the boot fuse box. I can check mine later when I get back to the car.
  2. Nothing major no. It's had an air compressor (I suspect it might only have needed a solenoid valve but the mechanic involved fitted a whole new compressor assembly), air springs, battery, front suspension bottom arms, 2x front and rear brake discs and pads, shock absorbers all round and a front wheel bearing. Also had the gearbox serviced twice by official ZF agent. Not cheap but good for peace of mind with a long term car that does a few miles. The car has actually covered 172000 miles now, 113000 of them done by me. All of the above is just stuff you might normally expect to have to replace from time to time, apart from the air spring/compressor which are a well known F11 weak point so I'm very happy with the car 😀
  3. Short journeys and the DPF won't regen completely I guess short journeys don't necessarily lead to failed regens. As long as you can tell when a regen is happening and you let it complete before switching off. From what you've described there's of scope for that to happen on you journeys. The tricky bit is knowing when it's happening. Sadly BMW chose not to provide a warning light to let you know. Bimmerlink is useful for that as @skyjawa referenced. I use it myself and find it quite helpful. Definitely change your oil every 10000 miles. I do mine myself twice a year as I do quite high mileage. It's pretty easy.
  4. I've been using Mahle filters in my F11 for the nearly 5 years/113000 miles. Good quality, no issues and can be found online for reasonable prices with a bit searching.
  5. I had that on my car soon after I bought it. It was still under the 3 month (Non BMW) dealer warranty. They replaced the oil level sensor and all was well again. A specialist BMW indie garage told me a software issue can give the same apparent fault in which case the sensor is OK, all that's needed is a software update. The level on the stick being OK suggests a sensor issue.
  6. Winter wheels shod with Michelin Crossclimates fitted yesterday. This is the third time these tyres have gone onto the car. 20000 miles covered and still an even 5mm tread left all round. Great tyres.
  7. Did I give the the number the the guy I use near Carlisle? Maybe he's a bit far away for you but he does a good job.
  8. I also noticed ''Pictures of previous damage are available to view" hidden in the description and it's declared as Cat N. Might be nothing major but would be interesting to see the photos nonetheless
  9. I've had everything back together for a few days now. After the recent heavy rain there was no sign of any further dampness in the car. I will be sure to keep a better eye on the yellow grommet in future. Before refitting the front half of the carpet I had a good look at the bulkhead area behind the cabin filters. The foam backed padding on there was nice and dry. I thought I could feel the yellow grommet behind the padding. Seems to be connected to the part poking through the padding circled in red here Looks like it'd be difficult to push out from this side without quite a bit more dismantling so I'll probably invest in some hooks to use to pull it out from the engine side.
  10. After a particularly cack-handed attempt at jacking the car the other week I had to replace one of my jack points. It's not obvious how to get the old ones out until you see the clips on the new one. Only a few basic tools required to apply a little force in the right place to snap the clips and loosen the whole thing enough to be manoeuvred out of the car. I used my trolley jack to push the new part on from below. It's not easy to get the clips to engage using muscle power alone.
  11. Unless you've removed some pieces before taking that second photo it looks like you have some parts missing. This is what should be there...
  12. I don't think it's intended as a jacking point but it has the strength needed to support the car long enough to get stands under the jacking points at either side. This was mine when I changed an air spring a while ago... Just remember to chock the front wheels if using this method as the car will have a tendency to roll forwards.
  13. I've bought 5l containers from Ebay sellers as well as Lloyds BMW in Carlisle. I think the last lot I got came from Lloyds and cost around £22. I've probably got the receipt somewhere. When I took the car there for the airbag recall they gave me three of those 1l bottles for nothing to make up for the inconvenience. Best price on Ebay just now looks like... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/386211238118?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=x6wlfvforuu&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=QkJWgt6FS6O&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. Yes but I fitted a rear wiper blade for her the other week. I even paid for it 🤣
  15. Changed oil and filter for the 11th time in my ownership. 110000 miles now covered by me. The car passed the 170000 mile mark today. Booked in at my mates garage next week to get a new fuel filter fitted. Air filter waiting in the shed for a day soon when there isn't a freezing gale blowing outside.
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