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    BMW F07 530d GT

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  1. I saw that yesterday, to much amusement! 😄 Thanks!
  2. Yes I will be - I've got the copper ones but still need to order the o-rings. Thanks, I understand about the codes and ISTA but didn't realise about the reset smooth adaptations feature. I've ordered a bigger slider hammer so will see how that goes! My intake manifold was pretty grim when I cleaned it earlier this year (@ 140k), although I've seen a lot worse...!
  3. Still can’t get number 2 out. Photo shows number 1. Going to have to upgrade my equipment or get a mobile guy round I think!
  4. Tried (and failed!) to get the injector on cylinder 2 out today. It's really stuck in there... Made a DIY mini slide hammer and it doesn't have enough oomph it seems...any tips for another try tomorrow? I then tried the injector on cylinder 1 to see if that was any easier and it came out with a couple of light slide hammer taps!
  5. Makes sense. I'm actually tempted to swap the injectors from cylinder 1 and 2 and see if the problem moves cylinders...
  6. Thanks both - I think I will try a re-conditioned injector alongside some injector cleaner for the rest and see how I get on.
  7. Update - ran a smooth-running control test on the injectors. At idle all injectors stay within the green tolerance range, but as soon as light load is applied (quick drive down the road) then firing order 5 (cylinder 2) goes out of tolerance, and hit as high as 11.9. Video attached if anyone is interested. So, I guess this means the injector on cylinder 2 is faulty? What should my next option be, do I buy a new (or used?) injector and replace injector 2? Or do I try getting all injectors cleaned out first? Or should I get them all cleaned any replace injector 2? Thanks!
  8. Hi, Having some problems with my 2010 F07 530d GT. Pulling into my drive last night after around a 50mile trip I noticed a strange tapping/knocking noise in time with the revs of the engine. I shut it off and came back to it this morning. Firstly I checked ISTA for codes and had the following: 241000 - Smooth-running regulator: correction quantity too high 24AE00 - Smooth-running regulator: correction quantity of several cylinders outside permissi... 24B300 - Smooth-running regulator, cylinder 2: correction quantity too high Here's a couple of videos - the first is with a fully cold engine, I'd removed the air filter etc but I don't think it sounded too bad at this point, certainly not as bad as the evening before: The second video is after a short 3mile drive, the car seemed fine (probably still a slight noise but much reduced) for about a mile but then the noise started to become apparent again. You can see that the engine seems to be moving around a fair bit (engine mounts were done about 10k ago as well). It also made a fairly loud squeaking/screeching noise as I reversed (similar to a belt slipping, maybe?) but I couldn't get this on camera. The drive belt was replaced earlier this year. I'd cleared the codes in the morning, but the same ones returned after the short drive. Would anyone care to comment on what this could be? The fault codes lead me towards injector(s), but I wanted to throw it out to the community to hear some ideas! Thanks very much
  9. Hi, Could I get a price for 2x 31106789333 please? Should be M10x59 bolts. Thanks
  10. Hi, I need 2 front coil springs for my 2010 F07 530d GT SE - VIN C220642. RealOEM isn't giving any results for part numbers, do you have any better luck? The car has SE suspension, RWD, no adaptive mode/edc. Thanks
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