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UCB last won the day on June 12

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    F11 530D M Sport

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  1. Oil service, brake fluid change, and 2 new rear airbags fitted. Car had new discs & pads last month. Guess I'm keeping it!
  2. NS airbag audibly leaking tonight after my drive up to Edinburgh. This is on top of the leaking exhaust valve in the compressor which I haven't fixed
  3. Similar experience here. One hot day, return to car at end of day and it takes an age to cool down. Been looking at manual cans with R134a to recharge the system which still seems to deliver cold air but its not as good as my wife's Leaf.
  4. Another symptom my F11 has. But mines definitely a disc as you can hear the rub when you rotate the front wheel by hand
  5. I'm getting symptoms of solenoid failure - intermittent rear end drop overnight, both sides equal and rises quickly after restarting the car. I have seen loads of repair videos re the compressor but I'm not sure how it comes out of the car or how easily. Any pointers?
  6. Scraped on speedhumps out of carpark at work last night Rear end dropped this am but rose up on 10km to work. New bags time.... Along with the brake judder i need to sort out
  7. Which is the OEM manufacturer for brake discs? My F11 has a severe vibration under braking after replacing pads last November and I'm going to have to do discs now as well. Would rather supply my own parts than rely necessarily on the cheapest available from my trusted local.
  8. I didn't DIY, don't have the experience,.tools or safe space for a one ton car let alone 2 ton!
  9. Well I could try but it will be my fault regardless🤣
  10. Gearbox fluid change this week. 87k miles so later than ZF might recommend Definite improvement in gearbox shifting, lock-up and ease of throttle modulation Money well spent in the end Although the Tyne Tunnel unpaid till charge notice is pissing me off.... My own stupid fault mind
  11. Sorry, must have made a wrong assumption somewhere.
  12. The NS handles are the same for RHD UK cars. The OS handles (front Vs rear) are not the same as each other or the NS handles. So there are 3 types of handle to go for
  13. Changed my NS door handles late last year (changed both as they displayed the same issues as you listed) Bought parts from ALiExpress and changed the outer cover to match the car (although the inside of the handle remains black and not colour-coded as per OEM) Working a charm although I did manage to drop the T7 bit into the door somewhere... Think I paid about £22 delivered for each handle
  14. Do the M branded calipers found on some F30s etc fit the F10/11? Recent pad change has left me with noticeable vibration when braking as I probably should have changed the discs too but I was wondering whether there was a caliper upgrade I could do when getting the discs replaced?
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