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Stressed last won the day on March 15 2023

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  1. That's a result with the V5. Therefore means the ulez computer system isn't up to date
  2. Its the date of manufacture that its based on not the date of registration. Your car could have been manufactured before 2013. BMW diesels manufactured after a certain date in 2013 were euro 6 compliant. A friend had a 2010 astra that wasn't London ulez compliant although they tell you petrol cars from 2005 are compliant. It turned out his car was actually manufactured in 2003 but not sold as new until 2010.
  3. There are 2 reasons our car insurance is going up. Car manufactures knowing selling cars especially high end that are easy to steel and not doing anything about it. (Keyless theft) and The high amount of electric vehicles being written off because repairers are refusing to guarantee damage to batteries and the cost of replacing batteries is more than the value of the car. This mean the insurance companies are putting up the cost of ICE premiums to spread the cost
  4. It's a bit like Virgin flying a plane to America on bio fuel. Good publicity but a waist of time. For uk airlines to switch over to biofuel all of our farmland crops and animal would have to switch to rapeseed which would mean no food!
  5. I believe Volvo have changed their tune a little bit, they have listened to the public, brought back estate cars to the UK market and are still doing diesel for now. Electric doesn't work for the emergency services because of the down time when charging would mean they have to increase their fleet. The LFB made a big thing about their electric fire engine. But kept it very quiet that at that fire station they had to have a second fully stowed fire engine for when the electric one wasn't available because of charging. It also wasn't very good in the fire ground because pumping water killed the batteries!
  6. The Met are replacing their vehicles with Volvo now. BMW Germany appear to have withdrawn form supplying UK police cars. BMW Park Lane (owned by BMW Uk) have closed their armed forces/emergency services discount department using the official line of blaming Brexit!
  7. The engine failures of the police cars were eventually put down to servicing and constant running 24hrs per day. When used as a police traffic vehicle the engine can be running virally all day with no "rest". One shift finishes and another takes the vehicle back out on the road. When they are not driving the vehicle is sitting with the engine running. The police were servicing the vehicles by mileage but there was not an allowance for the number of additional hours the vehicles were running. This information came from a local BMW service manager. The Met police have been having new engines fitted on vehicles that BMW have stated are outside of the manufacturers service guidelines
  8. I feel that the push for EVs is a political game made up by politicians and the motor industry. Force the public to buy EVs then the motor industry will have a bigger turn over in car sales and the treasury will get a bigger turn over of taxes. The general public will just be more out of pocket. If you look at car sales public owned EV purchases have gone down and the only EV sales for cars and vans that has gone up are business sales because of the tax breaks and benefit in kind taxes. Company cars always filter through into the private market after 3-4 years but who's going to want second hand EVs? Also look at London from 25/12/25 EVs will also be subject to the £15/day congestion charge
  9. Having just being told our work JLR Discovery 2.0d needs a new engine at 5 years old with 98k on the clock at a cost of over £13k I wouldn't touch a JLR. Our car had a full JLR service history. The 2.0d engine is a pile of crap. Don't do it
  10. The arse is falling out of the second hand EV market. Their second hand value compared to ICE is far less, the batteries will need replacing by about 7 years old (£25400 for a Tesla battery) A friend has a 2011 3 series alpina he's owned it from new. Its just hit 300 thousand miles and is still going strong. 2 batteries, 1 alternator and 1 clutch so far. He's just having another clutch and the timing chains done and it'll be fit for another 100k
  11. I had a call from Chris Knott Insurance a couple of weeks ago. Last year about £650 for my G31 and £400 for my wife's 1 series. This year they said Highway will not insure me so therefore like for like cover for our cars over £2000 for the G31 and £1500 for the 1 series WTF? They claimed Highway and Aviva aren't insuring German cars any more! They claimed insurers won't insure my car within the M25 without it being garaged. when I challenged their prices they said "haven't you been watching the news? Car insurance has gone up 40-50% because of thefts" My reply yes I have seen the news. Thefts of high end cars 4x4/SUVs and keyless entry, my car is not a 4x4/SUV and doesn't have keyless entry and 50% increase of a £650 policy only adds up to £975 your maths doesn't add up. I always thought Chris Knott were a good broker and recommended by this site! 30 minutes on the Martin Lewis web site and both cars insured for less than £1350 for both not each. Not garaged. All I can think is has Chris Knott become a rip off? Both of us are over 50 full no claims and no points Also via Martin Lewis my wife's car is now insured with Aviva who CK said aren't insuring German cars??
  12. Eva are becoming a complete joke. Government claim they are better for the environment but they don’t tell you their claims are based on the assumption that you only charge with renewable energy(wind or solar, how do you know what comes out of the plug?) and I’ve heard that for their environmental figures to work EV v ICE they have to use a mileage of 35000/year to achieve the “better for the environment “ claim!
  13. I definitely think BMW will take a massive sales hit not having a 2 or 3 L diesel. I'm guessing it's this Government we have to blame for the rules that have put BMW off releasing a diesel here
  14. looks like the days of 700 miles between fill ups are gone. How many customers are BMW going to loose without a 2.0d or 3.0d?
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