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Phil_530d last won the day on March 21 2023

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    BMW 530d M Sport F10 (N57)

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  1. Hi. Price for the following please 63177839865 L 63177839866 R Thanks
  2. Replaced the 'sticky mess' interior drivers side door handle. Not too tricky - just the normal battle to not break plastic clips that seem to be designed to snap when moved slightly out of place. Old one ready for the bin... And new handle in place
  3. Not done yet, but interior door handle on drivers side of my F10 has decided to evolve into a sticky mess so ordered a new plastic handle that also surrounds the electric window switches and mirror control. Cue 'F10 door card removal' search on YT... Hopefully fairly straightforward. Oh and tried to find out what's broken on my daughter's French car (C1) but that's a second order priority 😉
  4. Just over £500. I would have had a go myself as I DIYd the springs and dampers on my old E90 335i a few years back. But having read @Andrew's write up of the job confirming that it's tricky to do properly without a lift as you need to get a lot of torque into the bottom bolt (I think) and get the alignment of the top mounts right, I decided to let an expert do it properly.
  5. Rear dampers replaced on my F10 530d @111k miles by NCB Autokraft. What a transformation in handling...gone is the wafty ride and the rear of the car being unsettled by any minor pimple in the road, which had got noticebly worse in the last 3 months. The car feels so much more composed over uneven road surfaces. In terms of the old dampers, one had zero resistence left in it, the other a little. But both had reached (and exceeded) their useful lives...
  6. Luckily the rainbow pattern in puddles on my drive around my car alerted me to that last year, so those gaskets were replaced. After last week's rocker cover gasket replacement hopefully I'm OK on the oil leak front for a while...? I've just tempted fate haven't I...
  7. I didn't DIY it, I entrusted it to Noel at NCB Autokraft. Top service as usual. 110k miles
  8. Rocker cover gasket replaced on the N57 to cure oil leaking onto the DPF and exhaust that was creating lots of smoke and lots of smells in the cabin on occasion.
  9. It's the struts that has the dates printed on them and 'struts' were explicitly stated on the invoice
  10. Managed to have a service done on my 2011 F10 at a main dealer without BMW finding an additional few £'000s of work that they think needs doing. Even said everything was in good condition in the walk around (and under) video. Only thing that was picked up was that the bonnet struts are out of date (2016!), but they still hold the bonnet up so...
  11. A regular post seen on here: MOT passed with no advisories. First time in five years with no advisories so that's progress for the old girl....
  12. My NSF adaptive xenon was like this and it eventually started throwing loads of fault codes on the dash. After checking I discovered I was looking at nearly £1k to replace the unit and that's without the bulbs and ballast etc.!!! Before I spent that kind of cash I took the trouble to slacken the front bumper off and remove the unit. There was literally a puddle in the bottom of the headlight where the pcb sits - so that was why the fault codes were being triggered. I tipped the water out and dried inside put back and hey presto it all worked OK. I didn't do anything else before putting it back together. I know its not a permanent fix but figured I am happy to periodically remove the unit and drain it to save having to spend a thousand notes on a new headlight. I did this about 3 years ago and whilst the condensation has periodically returned, its nowhere near bad enough (yet) to warrant removing the unit again as it only happens over winter when the temp drops, only shows in the bottom 10mm and side of the light when it does happen, and hasn't triggered any fault codes as yet. I did find the following which suggests the adaptive xenons are known for it and offers a 'permanent' fix for £375 if you want https://www.keepyourcarsafe.co.uk/products/f10-f11-headlight-refurbishment-repair-from-water-damage Hope this helps
  13. Yes. My noise is/was a creaking noise over certain speed bumps over a certain speed, and distinctly from the offside. However I have recently replaced front discs and pads following which the noise disappeared (???!!!) Go figure. I'm not 100% convinced it's gone as I think the creak has returned (albeit a lot quieter, even intermittent) when going over the offending bump/s. Ultimately i suspect the front dampers. As far as I know they are original and have done 107k penal servitude so could do with renewing anyway. I wondered if full extension of the damper when I jacked up the front to change the discs and pads has fortuitously lubricated the damper somehow and done enough to stop/reduce the creak. Anyway, time will tell. Will be keeping an eye on this thread to see what your diagnosis is...
  14. Good work sir. Really satisfying when you can solve an issue for little or no cost. Imagine the cost for the dealer to resolve the same issue....
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