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    F10 520d 2015 grey

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  1. I was checking my tyres at the start of winter (nov last year) and was quite shocked to see the inner edge of the tyres splitting despite having 2.6mm of tread left, Luckily i was swapping to my winter wheels and tyres that day, so they came straight off and now have new ones, but i did look around under the car quite carefully with a pry bar and couldnt find anything particularly worn or loose, so didnt change anything other than the tyres in the end.
  2. That's an interesting idea, and I guess there are other temperature sensors dotted through the system that could be faulty or misreading a bit. I wonder if i can see the temperature readings with Bimmerlink ? or would that be an ISTA thing (which i don't have yet)
  3. Maybe this is normal for a BMW then ? but compared to my wife's older Vauxhall Astra, my cars air con is quite a bit worse, as hers kicks in within 10 seconds of starting and within 60 seconds she has nice cold air, In my F10, we can be 10 minutes into the journey before getting any cold air !
  4. I have the windows open when i start a journey now and I can hear when the compressor clutch clicks in and I can then hear the hiss of the gases circulating round the system, but this can take 10+ minutes if the car has heat soaked in the sun for hours. In the winter, the air con compressor cuts in instantly and demists straight away, so its linked to being slow to start when its hot in the car from sunshine heat (not engine heat). I had the aircon serviced last year where they drained it down fully under vacuum to check for leaks with uv dye, then refilled it about an hour later with the correct amounts of refrigerant and oil and it was a bit colder after that, but still had the starting delay if it hadnt been driven for a few hours in hot sunshine, but they couldnt diagnose that bit as i had driven it to them with the aircon on, and it was working ok by the time I got to the garage, so it was only the next day that i noticed it wasnt any better on the startup time.
  5. Not yet, I couldnt get any BMW garages near me (Weymouth) to book it in, and there's another airbag recall that i've been sent a letter for now as well, so i'm hoping that i can get them both done at the same time.
  6. On my drive home from work today (coast road from Lyme Regis to Weymouth) I left the diagnostic temperature display up for the whole journey, and the engine temperature went between 91 degreesC and 104 degreesC and the oil temp went between 99 and 109 which seemed to depend on whether i was going up or down the hills, and I followed a bus up a hill for a few minutes and that was when the temps went to oil 109 and coolant 104, but they came down fairly quickly as the road leveled out. I never get any warning lights and doing a scan with Bimmerlink shown no temporary or permanent errors related to temperature. So i do wonder if its just normal and nothing to worry about, or whether i should start checking stuff (thermostat or radiators?)
  7. Thankyou for the info everyone, I went out and drove up a long steep hill and got to the top and stopped and checked the rad vents and they were open for the first time ever !!!, So maybe they are ok after all and like you say, they just rarely open in normal driving. My temperatures were radiator at 102 degreesC and oil temp at 109 degreesC, does this sound about normal ? It can get up to about 105 on the rad sometimes, and i've seen 115 on the oil before which is why i was thinking the radiator vents were stuck closed. But the Air Con not working for the first bit of a journey is still an unsolved mystery, I guess more google digging is needed ! Thankyou
  8. Hi All I've got a F10 520d 2015 model LCI and the oil temperature seems to get rather high sometimes, it can get up to 115 degreesC and each time i look through the grille on the front, the active shutters are always shut !, could this be a fault ? as i cant find any info on what would trigger them to open. Also, I seem to have an issue with my Air con not working when its hot outside, for about the first 10 minutes of driving (car is cold and been off for 5+ hours) I had the aircon drained and refilled last year thinking it might be low on refrigerant, but although it made it slightly colder when its running, it still doesn't work for the first 5-15 minutes of driving and I cant figure out why ? If i have driven the car in the last hour or 2, the air con works straight away. Cheers
  9. I too, put my winter tyres on last week, my summer 19's are stored away and the M&S 18's are on and gripping so much better in the wet slippery conditions than my summer set, my son was starting to call me DK (Drift King!!) on the summer set 😂🤣 My only trouble is that i cannot get the TPMS system to recognise the winter wheels as they have never been used on this car before (BMW 520d 2015 F10) because i bought them from someone on Ebay with nearly brand new tyres on, and reset the Idrive tyre pressure bit, but after 5 minutes or so, it gives me an error. I do have Bimmerlink and Bimmercode and wondered if there was a way of linking or registering a second set of wheels with my car ? Thankyou
  10. I had my letter too 520D B47 2015. but yet to book it in and i'm on 160,000 miles so probably should get it done asap and they have offered me a loan car whilst its being done so will see what i get to test drive !
  11. Didn't even know you could get them !, is there an F10 BMW model available in either scale that you know of ? I'd be interested to see some pics of them all
  12. Damn, I've recently bought myself an F10 and now you've got me wondering what the grommet issue is !! time to google search it now 😄
  13. Probably no help to you as mines an F10 520D 2015 model, but over the last 10,000 miles, its reporting on the dash that its averaging 36mpg, but on my last fill up it took 62 litres of fuel and i got 545 miles, and that with my calculations is about 40mpg, so not sure how the on board computer can be so far out
  14. Doh, I have no idea why my pics are upside down, they are fine on my phone and on my laptop, but when uploaded to here, they are upside down !
  15. Hi All This is my 3rd BMW in my life, 1st was a 325TDS about 12 years ago, then i bought an X3 about 8 years ago, and after that i was a biker riding some big bikes, but after 32 years of biking, I sadly had a really big crash, got air ambulanced to Southampton Hospital where i spent 9 weeks trying not to die !! After I got out i wasnt allowed to drive for 6 months due to breaking my leg in 3 places and 2 brain haemorhages along with a compressed spine, but once i got my license back, I was only able to drive automatic cars, so had to sell my Vauxhall Insignia, VW T5 campervan and thought as i can only get an auto, I might as well get a really nice auto hence the purchase of a 2015 BMW 520D, I wanted a blue one, but couldnt find one with the Harmon Kardon audio system so decided that the stereo was more important so bought a grey one !, Its done 157,000 miles and runs really nicely, although there's quite a bit of tyre noise so i'm looking to get rid of the run flats and get some normal (quiet) tyres on it. Thankyou for creating this site for us all to meet and chat about cars on, looks like i should settle down and do some reading now ! Pics below 👍
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