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Steve VH

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Steve VH last won the day on June 16

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  1. 1970's and 80's automatic transmissions would often need to be replaced/reconditioned by 100k, and one reason they were few, and far between, today they are much more prevalent, probably with having so much stop/start traffic and in many cases getting over 200k miles before expiring, so twice the lifespan. So progress is good, now sort the longevity of the engines out, N40' and N57's
  2. How do you deal with the transactions running into thousands of pounds, do you take a cheque and keep the car until the funds are in your account, or cash?
  3. Possible to measure external, then internal dimensions after disconnecting the pipe with a vernier calliper to the nearest 1/10 mm?
  4. I would just mention, if a fluid change does bugger all, how come ZF are recommending a fluid change at around 60,000 miles, I fully accept that a fluid change won't save a failing transmission, but it will prolong the life of a working normally transmission, in the same way an engine oil change will usually prolong its life, OK, so no combustion by products will mix with transmission fluid, the only thing to degrade a transmission oil is heat, metal, and clutch friction particles. The older mineral fluid will varnish over time, and becomes sticky, as mentioned synthetic transmission fluid is serious stuff, and will last almost indefinitely, but will still come out blackened when the fluid is changed, proving that it will degrade over time, and miles.
  5. Are electronic water pumps an improvement over an engine driven pump? power steering systems are now electronic in many cases, whatever next, is an electronic alternator possible.
  6. Latest, after removing the mudflap, and partially lifting the wheel arch trim to gain access, I connected the multi meter to the pump feed, and noted a reading when the washer switch was pulled, so it is getting power, hopefully a new pump, ordered, will solve the issue.
  7. Very nice, I didn't think it was the Mediterranean, they have a very different aura. Did La Rochelle a few years ago and liked it very much.
  8. If working on my car involves removing any of the road wheels, as well as jacking up, using axle stand and chocking any remaining wheels, I will always chuck the removed wheel under the car, as an extra safety precautions, and definitely worth doing if you have to change a wheel at the road side. Most 5 series are probably not far off 2 tonnes, so you wouldn't want it falling on you. Anyone willing to share their best safety related tip for when working on your car.
  9. Seeing a post on another F10 site stating yet another bottom end failure on the 530d, despite numerous replies mentioning that owners had knocked up big milage, they do seem to have an inherent weakness, even the Police withdrew them from traffic duties following a fatal in Cumbria, discuss?
  10. So replacing the steering rack made no odds?
  11. Being prepped for a sourjon to the South of France duties.
  12. I'm hoping it might be, this stalk feels a little loose, bmw switch gear, like Mercedes are a quality item, feels like it is hewn from granite, even after 1000's of activation, this one feels like a Ford switch. Hoping, as it will save jacking up, removing the wheel, and lifting part of the wheel arch liner.
  13. If that is the case every time the front wheels move up or down the control arm bush will be subject to torsional forces, when I assumed the bushes were there to absorb fore and aft forces. Andrew
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