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Forum 5

Welcome to Forum 5.

Welcome along to the LCi version of Forum 5.

We are back after a slight misfire in April 2022.  Sandip, Tony, Gary, Duncan, Mark and Andrew have done some major diagnostic work which has resulted in a completely new forum with 0 miles on the clock as of August 2022.  With your help we want to make this the best Forum relating to the ultimate BMW which is of course the 5 Series.

If you are a returning member from the old forum, thank you for coming back, however you will need to create a brand new account with a new user name.  This of course can be the same as your old user name or a new one.

This new forum will not recognise any user names or log in details from the old forum.


  1. 2
  2. Say hello

    If you are joining us on Forum 5, please post to say hello and post a picture of your car.

    We like pictures of shiny cars.

    We only have one rule in this section.

    Pics or you are fibbing! 🤣

  3. Forum 5 FAQ

    If you are a returning member from the old forum, thank you for coming back, however you will need to create a brand new account with a new user name.  This of course can be the same as your old user name or a new one.

    This new forum will not recognise any user names or log in details from the old forum.

  4. FACT

    Forum 5 stance on copyright breaches and illegal sharing of files or software.

  5. Forum suggestions

    Have a suggestion or a build?  Let us know here 

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